Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Just because we don't understand something... it doesn't mean we should fear it.

If we embrace it rather, we can learn more from these things we fear than any book, class, or experience.

Historically, cultures and communities have put down that which we do not understand--have called it evil, have condemned anyone who would associate with whatever it may be. I've always been one to stand up for those things. i've always stood up for "mystic" sciences if you will... always been one to stand up for someone who is just a bit different... i don't care what your sexuality is or what your beliefs are. I'm not going to be afraid of you just because i don't understand you-- rather i'd prefer to get to you know you a little better. In the end it makes me more content and you more comfortable with me.

I met an interesting couple yesterday-- and they reminded me not to be afraid of things that i don't know. To look within the power of myself and of the connection between me and others to find the strength that lies within. its a pretty incredible strength, but only if you are willing to give all you've got to fight for what you believe

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

fog, smog, and a smokey porch

how could you NOT love this weather. its morning weather that didn't go away. middle of the afternoon and i still couldn't see building tops... thats the way it should be... maybe all the time... maybe just through fall... i love it.

you know... when the air around just feels like its just barely icier than you might be... and its just blowing at you... and it looks like dusk whether its 2 pm or 3 am... that, friends, is perfect.

one of my favorite things about oklahoma is that we do get to experience all 4 seasons completely while some place have only one season all year and others have 2--cold and warmer... we get all of them, almost to an extreme--and if today wasn't the stereotypical october day... well... don't argue, it was. it was stereotypical and lovely and lazy and foggy and wonderful.

maybe especially so because i was able to sit on our huge old white porch and watch it.

maybe the weather did it to me, but this quote stuck out from 6fu this week...

"having someone in your life that makes you hate yourself less--that must be nice"

Thursday, October 02, 2008

invisible importance

who isn't lonely in some way? even being surrounded by people doesn't really make you any less alone. but how do you get over IT? and i don't mean being lonely. i mean--how do you get over that thing... that thing that showed up in your life out of nowhere and changed it forever. you didn't mean for it to show up or to change you... you probably didn't even know it was happening at the time. and that's what we miss and we're missing and lonely from.

that's what is so messed up about the whole thing... you didn't know it was even there... then it's gone and it was the most important thing that had happened to you... and how do you get over that? by the time i probably do come around, i'll probably miss the next important appearance because i was too busy unable to to get over being befuddled by the last one.

that's sorta irritating.