Thursday, March 03, 2011

hey gazette

someone tell me why ward 2 wasn't highlighted in the gazette the way ALL 3 OTHER wards were. I had people coming into my precinct and leave looking for more information about the candidate because they realized they didn't know anything about the 6 candidates running. c'mon GAZETTE - we turn to you - why didn't you publish a wards information that is a huge part of okc? you're writing about it now because oh-ho look who's gone to a run-off.

which brings me to my next issue. i work in an active precinct - and we only had 13% of the precinct come out and vote. For a school election, ok. but this is the city council. This is the person speaking out for YOU and for what YOU want. so please. if you live in ward 2. on april 5, please go out and vote. (oh... and i don't mind saying my preference WOULD BE for Ed Shadid...but most importantly, please just get out and vote.) ;)


Anonymous Oklahoma Gazette said...

Just saw this! We actually covered Ward 2 more than any other ward — hope you saw the coverage that followed.

9:57 AM, April 27, 2011  
Blogger bitterhoney said...

I did see the ward 2 coverage after - i was just sad during the comprehensive issue - and hey - thanks for answering my call out!

2:03 PM, April 27, 2011  

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