Debate I; a few observations
2. i didn't like either candidate's position on Sudan. if america is such a liberator, then the american government needs to do more than just say, i sure hope the african union can do something about this. geez. kerry used his hands and seemed more confident. bush seemed smug.
3. both candidates were very repetitive, however, bush didn't seem to really say anything in the end and kerry did. bush seemed really nervous... and in the end just kept repeating his arguments whether or not they were already shot down. he almost forced kerry to be repeatitive.
4. bush needs to maybe limit himself to 2 syllable words, because he stumbled a lot. A LOT. and UH is not a space filler word. it seems like bush was winging it almost. and by the way, osama bin laden and sadam houssein are STILL not the same person although bush put his favorite device into use... molding the two into one. 2 examples: "after iraq attacked america..." and "sadam houssein, i mean...uh... osama bin laden..."
all in all... i still respect kerry a lot more than bush, and actually after that, i like bush even less and kerry more.