Thursday, September 23, 2004

an ironic opportunity

elaine and i have talked about how different our fields in general are. she's an architect, and i want to work in health care in the middle east and for a peace effort. so, naturally, we knew that we would never work together or anything, i mean maybe she could build me a house, some hospitals or a spectacular peace center... but all in all, not gonna happen...


so, elaine calls me today and tells me we're entering a competition... what kind of a competition? i was clueless. something political maybe? who knows. as soon as i get home she sends me the link. F.A.S.T. its a competition to do the urban designing to prove Israeli's village design wrong. to prove to them that a peaceful community is possible, where two groups can live together in a successful community with cultural interaction, no one group suppressed, and room for growth. The competition calls for pretty much anyone to enter in a number of ways. Political essay plans, urban designs, photographs, anything and everything is involved. together we will attempt to construct a team of legal, architectural, and political minds. never have our goals meshed so perfectly, and the fact that we can do this together really means something to me. this is a spectacular opportunity for my field and its funny how things just fall into place. i hope that it all works out together. if anyone is interested in joining our team and you think you can add to it. we're hoping to assemble about 10 people. give me or elaine a ring or leave your comment.

i love my big sis.


Blogger bitterhoney said...

i'm still the upgrade.

8:15 PM, September 23, 2004  
Blogger bitterhoney said...

or smart-and-beautiful grade. or fat-grade. crap.

11:57 PM, September 23, 2004  

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