Friday, June 18, 2010

What to do when all the water is gone?

With global warming and environmental conservation on the rise, I'm drawn to the most precious commodity earth has: water. People all over the world suffer from a lack of sanitary water to drink and bathe in, and water treatment plants-even if they COULD provide all the water needed-are expensive to maintain. So my focus turns to the reality of the matter: we can't go on forever the way we live now, and I thought I might share with you a few suggestions of what to do with your pool when water becomes so scarce, we can no longer afford to enjoy our favorite summer activity of lounging in a cool private backyard pool.

1. Turn it into art. paint the whole thing and make it backyard art...or make one of those really cool 3d paintings in it to give the illusion that the pool isn't there... but make sure you warn your guests before they try to walk on it.

2. Become a sponsor of skateboarders with nowhere to go. What better use?? but make sure your first aid kit is handy

3. Make it into an obstacle course-bridges, ropes, climbing walls... the whole bit--fun for the whole family!

4. Turn it into your compost pile holder. This, however, isn't incredibly efficient because it would be hard to turn in order to avoid the stinky smell, but if you are going to throw trash in the pool, it might as well be compost trash that you can use to beautify the rest of your yard.

5. Turn it into the actual garden instead of just the compost. (This means you can't throw your trash in the pool). It will already be different levels without you having to change anything at all!

6. Fill the empty pool with sand and make a volleyball court. (Your ball wont get away as often this way, will it?)

7. Cover the top of the pool and turn it into a disaster/storm/nuclear war shelter. (You never can be too prepared.)

Yes, you may now rest easy with the burning question of whatever will you do with your empty swimming pool off your mind.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

all the king's horses and all the king's men...

yes. i still love shattered glass and i suppose there is a following of those of us who do. I can't understand, however, the masochism our brains not only allow us to put ourselves through but actually make it more intense and worse.

Once we have scrutinized over every detail and possibility (and being a gemini, lord knows it takes me a long time to make a decision anyways) and we have allowed our throat to be the battle ground between head and heart, once all that is over and we've made our decision...why is it so hard to stick by? so hard not to run back. Even with appreciation of shattered glass, one can realize that enough of those shards in you--and you will die--you have to be careful, so why would anyone want to go back?

While every manipulation, every fight, every tear hurt immensely. Somehow our masochistic tendencies allow us to relive the good memories--which hurts a lot more than the tears ever did. Maybe being addicted to the pain is our way of knowing we're still alive and we still can feel. Maybe we've convinced ourselves that the intensity of the pain is the reciprocal of the scale letting us know that the worse the pain, the stronger the love? Maybe we're too afraid of becoming numb and not being able to give the fullness of the emotions we once had to another person. none of that seems to make any sense when stated out loud. I'm just trying to make sense of a myriad of colors that i don't understand.


every now and again i go through old posts and read about...what life was 2-3-4-5-6 years ago... its amusing. i decided i'd redo a survey i did on December 11, 2005.

27 different sorta questions
These are supposedly "27 Questions No One Would Ever Think To Ask" Answer them, then repost the bulletin.

1. When you look at yourself in the mirror, what's the first thing you think?
i need to fix my makeup and hair

2. How much cash do you have on you??
none at all, i'm in bed. In my wallet though... i have 27 dollars and some change.

3. What's a word that rhymes with "TEST"?

4. Favorite planet?
pluto because it isnt one anymore, but it my head it always will be-i can't imagine my solar system without it.

5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone??
laura ann

6. What is your main ring tone on your phone??
its the "whistle song" featured in Kill Bill

7. What shirt are you wearing?
my black tank top with a red peace sign and a dove on it.

8. Do you "label" yourself?
yes. with a warning sign.

9. Name the brand of your shoes you're currently wearing?
i'm barefoot.

10. Bright or Dark Room??
dark. light gives me headaches--dark is always calm and inviting.

11. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you?
it was me... she's aight.

13. What were you doing at midnight last night??
toasting life with a delicious glass of champagne

14. What did your last text message you received on your cell say??
Hey its Lindsey Callaway. this is my new number.

16. What's a saying that you say a lot?
"shut the front door"

17. Who told you they loved you last?
my mama

18. Last furry thing you touched?
ivy lynn grace

19. How many drugs have you done in the past three days?
ibuprofen? does alcohol count?

20. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?
6 or so

21. Favorite age you have been so far?
25... oh wait. that is now.

22. Your worst enemy?

23. What is your current desktop picture?
its a picture of ivy being pretty

24. What was the last thing you said to someone?
its 200 degrees celsius in this house.

25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a major regret?
i'll take the money... you learn from your regrets.

26. Do you like someone?
i like you.

27. The last song you listened to?
girl talk - here's the thing
... its totally stuck in my head.