relating the species
every little kid kicks over an ant hill every now and then. whether its to see them squirm and run about in confusion and fury... or if its out of pure ornery-ness... or if its out of curiousity... every little kid has done it. i kicked over an ant hill today. why did i do it? to get back at them. to make them feel the way i do.
ants are amazing creatures. they carry insignificant crumbs and bits of dirt on their backs, that are very significantly larger than they are, very insignificant distances, which would be many miles if compared to our own sizes. they do this with all thier tiny being, with all their "heart"s. they are dedicated and hard working. yet when we see their intricate home, we kick it over with one swipe and don't think another thing of it.
so what?
right now. i'm the ant. i'm the one giving my entire heart... giving my entire being to very specific purposes, and i feel like once i've earned some sort of credit, and done something... its all kicked over with one clean swipe. and as for the offender... the offender will never harvest another thought about it. and i'll probably have to work the rest of my own short life to regain that determination, the motivation, and the progress i'd already made.
but like the ant, when it happens... i'll start all over again. i've got nothing better to do with my life, and neither does it. we're not so different the two of us. maybe from a different genus and species... but those aren't so far apart as we think.
as for the june bug. his life is insignificant. i would exterminate them with umbrellas. i'll give the june bug props and recognition for the fact that he has a similar, but far more superficial meaning to his life. the june bug's one goal in life is survival. germinate... fly around for a bit into things, reproduce. die. worthless in my eyes beyond the recognition of props for surviving so long.
ants are amazing creatures. they carry insignificant crumbs and bits of dirt on their backs, that are very significantly larger than they are, very insignificant distances, which would be many miles if compared to our own sizes. they do this with all thier tiny being, with all their "heart"s. they are dedicated and hard working. yet when we see their intricate home, we kick it over with one swipe and don't think another thing of it.
so what?
right now. i'm the ant. i'm the one giving my entire heart... giving my entire being to very specific purposes, and i feel like once i've earned some sort of credit, and done something... its all kicked over with one clean swipe. and as for the offender... the offender will never harvest another thought about it. and i'll probably have to work the rest of my own short life to regain that determination, the motivation, and the progress i'd already made.
but like the ant, when it happens... i'll start all over again. i've got nothing better to do with my life, and neither does it. we're not so different the two of us. maybe from a different genus and species... but those aren't so far apart as we think.
as for the june bug. his life is insignificant. i would exterminate them with umbrellas. i'll give the june bug props and recognition for the fact that he has a similar, but far more superficial meaning to his life. the june bug's one goal in life is survival. germinate... fly around for a bit into things, reproduce. die. worthless in my eyes beyond the recognition of props for surviving so long.