in order to make it through life:
1. chill the hell out. just keep working and stay relaxed. everything will fall into place.
3. laugh at the people wearing... i don't even know WHAT it is that they're wearing, but it's amusing either way.
5. laugh at yourself, wear your hair crazy and mismatch every once in a while.
7. lay in the grass
9. read a book
11. watch people and make up your own story about their life at that moment
13. drive around and sing as loud as you can (this also should take place in the shower, and while skipping down streets)
15. take a midnight or dawn walk and don't talk to anyone, just notice everything around you
17. stare into the sky and realize your insignificance and the significance of who and where you are as a result, geographically, in life, in the universe, immediately and in the long run.
19. spend time doing absolutely nothing with people (both that you don't know and that you care about greatly)
21. do the hokey pokey. c'mon. you know you want to. no one is watching... put your left leg in.
*shrug* i think these things help me anyways.