Monday, May 30, 2005

cycling: it's all gotta go

its incredible how much things change in one year. a year ago, i was best friends with kate, i could see elie whenever i wanted to, because he was either at terrells or in norman during the summertime... i was preparing to go to jordan for the summer... my sister lived here, and worked downtown... downtown = BUFFALO HUNTING was more difficult, and very VERY exciting.

i just got a call from elie. i'd really like to go back to talking to him more often. from the imigrations note i left him until the day he left to back... to the other side... he was always one of the easiest people to talk to... most of our conversations were about absoluetely nothing, and lasted like... 8 hours. i'm not sure how that happened. it was like living seinfeld. i also think it had to do with an inflatable pig suit. (i was laughing hard enough that that last line took me a really long time to type)

so elie is a working man in his little routine... and this leads me into my mini-discussion. i think i'm ready for the cycling. obviously there are staples that i will not allow to change, like mizi and elaine etc... (duh)... but i'm ready for the change. the absolutely different routine. different people. different activities. different hair. different clothes. different music. everything. its that time of the year everyone. new me time. don't worry, i'll still be the cool-ist girl around. ;)


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