Wednesday, May 25, 2005

i believe in fairies

i know that i've brought up my oh-so-famous bumper sticker probably a thousand times... but i have an example now... believe right? the believe-mobile's bumper sticker doesn't say anything but believe... yada yada yada not necessarily religious... yada yada ho... so... anyways... an extremely close family friend is in the hospital... has been for 5 weeks now. for five weeks he's been in terri shaivo condition... eyes open... no recognition... life support etc. and everyone stopped believing. everyone gave up and they were preparing themselves for the worst. now, this is not necessarily a bad thing to do... you don't want to be unprepared in any situation... BUT you can't stop believing. anyhow, everyone did. except my dad. my dad and i had a talk two night ago about the importance of hope. of believing. and how once you stop believing, of course nothing can change. it really does make an impact. well, he didn't stop. he believed in every way he knew how. and just as everyone else was ready to say their farewells... he woke up. life support became a backup. he recognized people. everyone--doctors, nurses, family, friends-- everyone knew it was a miracle. this doesn't mean everything is okay. of course, everything can change in a second, but the improvement thus far is really incredible.

i knew the miracle-- should you choose to call it that-- the occurance was because my dad believed when no one else did. he's(my dad is) smiling again.

so, the moral of the story: be prepared for every situation, but don't stop believing.

believing saved tinkerbell... it made benny hinn rich...and most importantly, it made my dad smile again.


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