Sunday, December 18, 2005

breathe outside the whirl

so... the semester is finally over, and i have a bit of a chance to breathe. not much of one... but a small breath anyways. just as i was about to celebrate having nothing to do, i realized that i have the MCAT coming up in april... and i really can't procrastinate on this one. but as i get swept up once again along the river of insanity that is my life, i decided to look back a bit.

every year we have plans and plans, and aspirations, and goals, and more plans, and dreams, and wishes, and more plans. but if we look back on exactly where we were a year ago, we see that most of those wishes, dreams, aspirations, and plans have altered dramatically, whether by our own choice or not.

had someone materialized a year ago and told me exactly where i would be right now, i would have laughed in his/her face. i think that so many of us get so caught up in where we are going, we forget where we came from, even if just thinking back a short while. Remembering the events of last year, whether painful or wonderful, is really very important and i encourage each of you to step back out of your whirl-of-a-life and look back a bit. Get the lesson out of each mistake or victory that you were supposed to.

lifes fast, but that just means you have more to learn from.


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