Monday, April 13, 2009

so long tiko!

there's a stepping stone... my OU email address is finally being deleted. i guess that means i have to fully move on to my big-girl email address and with that comes the impending other big-girl responsibilities. its been my internet identity for so long that not going to is just going to be strange.... not sure how i'm going to handle this one...

but we all have to grow up

we all have to move on--past the dorm days and 3 am campus walks...
past that first weekend when we all moved in not knowing what to expect and not knowing what hit us when it did... but getting to start off with bags and bags of free things from manipulative vendors... (we got the last laugh)
past making all those new friends... losing all those new friends to other states and cliques... finding new friends again... finally finding our little niche.
we all have to move on past the idea that we'll never really have to be responsible for more than an all-nighter before a huge test... or a forever long lab... or some 20 page paper that we pulled out of thin air...
past that constant checking of an email to see if your teacher replied to your begging for mercy...
past coming up with clever IM's until stupid hours of the night with the cute boy you met in class...
past the wading in the south oval fountains, jumping out of car-trunks and scaring the new kids taking campus tours...
we all have to move on past that time when we're just beginning to grow up and are expected to realize the entirity of our future...

we all have to grow up past these things but we don't have to forget them... sorta strange that an email address has so much history linked with it...



Anonymous aubrie said...

mine was deleted within a month of graduating. wah!

12:57 PM, April 28, 2009  

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