Sunday, June 26, 2005

safety in life

being safe in life has nothing to do with security. it's all about insecurity. if you're secure, you're proabably not safe. you're probably compromising. I think safety in life is being able to comfortable ask why? to any situation or person. if you can't answer why... then you're in a place you shouldn't be. one of the most important parts of living is questioning your surroundings. that is what freedom and life is all about. in true democracy we should feel comfortable questioning our government and not being harassed or judged for doing so. in a truly free life, you should be able to ask question anything and not feel bad about it or be harassed for doing so. it should be encouraged even.

if we don't ask why, we can't learn. if we can't learn, then why are we alive?

i find odd comfort and security in the unknown, in insecurities (and lord knows i have a lot).


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