Thursday, March 24, 2005


*whips out a soap box and balances herself on it*

i'm tired of people not taking chances because so and so is leaving or i'm too busy or i shouldn't because of so and so. i'm tired of people worrying so damn much and not enjoying life. SO THE HELL WHAT if you get hurt in the end. why are we always protecting ourselves? if we don't let down our guards, then we'll never fully experience life. you're not living unless you take some risks, some of those will end up with heartbreak, but they'll be worth it in the end and the times you had you will have gained something from and sometimes everything will work out and you can rest assured that it was because you weren't worried and you weren't not taking a risk because of dumb excuses you have to get yourself out there and LIVE. and love and give yourself to everyone and take something from everyone you meet. whether that be the lady selling you coffee or yelling at you in a grocery store or maybe its the man/woman that is returning your love or not, and maybe its a friend or a pesty friend that wont go away. you'll get something out of them and you need to understand and put yourself out there. its worth it.
*steps down*

now, if only i could follow my own advice.


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