Tuesday, March 29, 2005

don't play with fire

a fatal flaw of humans: immunity and naiivity

each and every one of us thinks that he/she is immune. immune to disease... immune to war (it's over there right?)... immune to their friends.

what in god's name do i mean by this?
how many of us are friends with a thief and are naiive enough to think "we are friends (s)he wont steal from me"?
how many of us are friends with just a horrible bitch and think "we're friends, she wont backstab me?
how many of us allow ourselves to walk outside with wet hair or not wear socks when its cold thinking "i wont get sick"?
all of us. and if this doesn't describe you. congrats. maybe you are immune. as for the rest of us... we aren't. we aren't immune to the naiivity laying within us.

if you are friends with a thief, a murderer, a horrible bitch, a conartist, or fire. just know that you are just as prone to getting stolen from, killed, betrayed, conned, or burned as anyone else. now, i'm not saying not to be friends with these people. they could be good people, and great friends. but when it comes down to it... they are what they are. don't be naiive. once again, of course i don't follow my own advice. i realized i'm more naiive than i gave myself credit for previously...

don't play with fire unless you expect to get burned.

yeah, maybe 1000 people read this blog religiously, and maybe nobody reads it. going strictly by number of comments made on my blogs i would put my money on the latter... but all in all i'm only talking to get my advices, wisdoms, stupidity, and stories out. read it or don't. comment or don't. believe me or don't. i don't really care. i'm going to continue to pour out.


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