Wednesday, February 02, 2005

just one word

my sister is doing a survey, and i am extending the survey to all of you (if there are any of you who still read this); however, i'm changing the terms. is it possible to describe me in one word, and if so... what would that word be?
she got me all curious.

the other question she asked was if you could invite 5 people over for dinner who would they be... well... here ya go...
my 5:
g-bush, condi rice, colin powell, ariel sharon, and saddam houssein.

jk again
my 5:
jon stewart, john gillis (aka jack white), john cusack, hanan ashrawi, quentin tarantino.

now, for the update...
i 1)stole my dog, she now is on my bed keeping me company, cuddling with me at night when i need it, and begging me not to take her back, 2) got a new cell phone. number is the same... but now its not a piece of shit... i mean art... and 3) watched the state of the union address... comments anyone?

*raises hand* "PICK ME PICK ME"
*exasperated tone* "ok, mary, go ahead"
well one refreshing thing to hear was booing... now.. my my, doesn't that sound unamerican, but if you think about it... it is the most american action that could have occurred. in the midst of the (caugh) leader of our country, giving a pep-talk to everyone, elected congressional members were booing and expresssing their underlying right to freedom of expression. This country is so split right now, that it was in fact hard to hear mr. bush-a-thon speaking as if it were the oppinion of the masses. the most disturbing part of the speech? the importance to recognize that syria and iran are the next fronts in our "war on turr-ism"... and that these place have been harboring terrorists and that they are standing in the way of democracy. now really... are you going to start 2 more wars without even finishing the first one?! this is getting ludicrous. are you going to fight any country harboring terrorists? b/c then, as much as you don't want the war to be on american soil, the US should be top of that list. its so hard to watch bullshit like that on tv and whats harder? to watch those around me support it so blindly.

somebody legitimately justify the iraqi war, and after that, justify a war with iran and syria.
somebody tell me that america isn't an empire.
somebody tell me what the hell is going on. because i pay attention... and i study it... but i apparently just don't get it...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First...Ok...I agree that the verbal distain that was shown by those in disagreement with our President and his policies was a true American action. It was also one of the most disrespectful things that a politician...a representative of my hopes/dreams/goals for the future could have done. There are much better ways to show your disapproval than by acting like a high school deviant that just heard they have to stay in for detention. The man was elected to the highest office of the land. Regardless of the best efforts of the Democratic Party, they lost. The State of the Union Address is not the best place to act like a 14 year old. Choose some other non-nationally televised event and do it in a way that doesn't demean and patronize the office.

Second. You are well read, well educated and know alot...about alot. You don't know everything. There is truth in every word uttered in earnest. Look at the issues on the right...look at the larger picture of event from the view point of the right (just like you would prepare for any decent debate) understand where the right is coming from, and then you can understand why it is happening.

don't get discouraged by those that follow blindly. its not something sigular to the right. it affects the left wing elitists here in nyc, the fundamental right, the suicide bombers in palestine, and every soldier acting under a nations flag. blind allegiance is a fault of mankind.

i can't convince you of why the iraqi war is legitimate...but i can convince you that you and I don't know the whole issue...

keep up the good work girl!

4:52 PM, February 14, 2005  

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