Monday, November 15, 2004

by george, i think she's got it...

i've been sick all weekend... and i had a sick day on thursday like i used to have back in elementary school. kate wouldn't let me go to school, then she went to the store and bought me a surprise (ice cream) and soup and other warm things, and she made me soup and tea and we watched cartoon movies. after thursday, i was in bed a lot, but i'm feeling a little better now. now everyone is getting sick, some with what i had, some with something different, a lot is going around and this cold rainy weather isn't helping at all.

so now i'm taking care of people. and its what i enjoy doing more than anything else in the world. i love making people as comfortable as possible, not letting them get up, bringing them what they need, making them feel better. same thing with hospitality, don't resist me. i love taking your plate, i love getting you drinks, i would love to offer you whatever i have, i want to make sure you are comfortable, i want to clean up after, i want to prepare for a long time... i love it. this is why i'll be a good wife.

so... what is it that i've got? i've finally got a good grip on realization that my field is for me. the medical field will allow me to take care of people and help them to feel better, and having medical foundations to work with healthcare in the middle east will allow me to do a lot of hosting.

i just want to take care of you and make you as comfortable as possible through my love.


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