Tuesday, October 26, 2004

a most disturbing event

the following are actual dialog from a conversation i had with a real person last night. i wasn't actually sure these people exist, but they do.

bold = ignorant guy
regular = me
italics = other person

1) "does the koran not actually say for them to come over and kill americans?"
"no... it doesn't"
"well then, you're wrong and you don't know. have you ever read the koran?"
"yeah actually, i have, and i know that it's against killing"
"no, you don't know."

2)"allah and that other short fat dude... yeah buddah... they worship them and they're all the same"
"BUDDAH! are you serious??? thats a completely different religion...that isn't even IN iraq"
"whatever! they're all the same. how many people died in the twin towers?"
"about 2500" (he scrawls this number down)
"and how many muslims are there in the world"
"over a billion! its the biggest religion in the world."
"and they're all al-quaeda"
"NO! al-quaeda is a small extremist faction"
"but most of them are al-quaeda"
"no! are you kidding?! thats a tiny tiny faction!"
"well they're the government in iraq."
"they're all the same."

3) "what do you know anyways??? you're wrong and you need to study this. i know. i just got out of the penitentiary. TODAY. there were muslims there. i know them all."
"what do i know about it? i'm majoring in arabic and middle eastern studdies. you just got out of the penitentiary? i just got out of a muslim country for 2 months. what the hell are you talking about??"
"you don't know anything, hunny."

4) "for every american that dies, at least 3 arabs should die."
"you do realize that the people that the war is with right now aren't the people that flew a plane into the towers"
"they're all the same... they're all towelheads."
"oh now thats just offensive. i'm arab, what makes your life worth more than mine??"
"it's not, but someone's gotta pay."
"although i don't agree with any innocent lives being lost, don't you think the right people should pay"
"they're all the same!"
"you are so racist! wow."
"no i'm not, how can i be, i'm mexican."

5)"we can have this discussion right now because bush is fighting terrorists right now"
"no, we can have this discussion because in 1785 the amendments to the constitution included a freedom of speech right."

6)"if we were there right now, you wouldn't be able to talk to me this way, because i'm a man, and over there they beat women for talking like this."
"WHAT? i'm arab, i'm from there... they don't beat women for fun. domestic violence exists everywhere and is just as prevalent in america."
"you just don't know."
"i wrote a 10-page paper about this 5 days ago."
"you need to do research, because you're wrong."

7)"america made two mistakes, one was when ***gers were brought over here and the second was when they were freed *crazy laughter*"
(everyone's jaw drops) "are you fucking serious? did you just say that? i... i... oh my god. how did you survive jail?"
"***gers know not to mess with white people."
(everyone's jaw has now hit the floor)

8) "Kerry is a pussy. you don't mess with america, or you get your ass kicked."
"why is america better?"
"HAHAHA are you serious? because we're america."
"thats the same mentality that will make america fall"
(gasps around the room)
"america can't fall because we'll kick anyone's ass that messes with us."

9) "i can't argue with you, because you are being offensive and generalizing and you don't have any facts, and you are jsut completely ignorant."
"me? you're the ignorant one, hunny, learn your facts, then argue with me. YOU'RE JUST WRONG! I KNOW I JUST CAME FROM THE PENITENTIARY!"

10) "are you registered to vote?"
"are you even allowed to vote?
"thank God. because i have never met a more ignorant person in my life."

11) "so what do you do?"
"i'm gonna be a lawyer"
"i'm a chemist"
"oh did you graduate???"
"no, heh heh heh."
"i'm sure you cook up a hell of a lot"
"make a lot of money too."

12) "i have ladels."

1-11 are from the most ignorant man i've ever come into contact with, 12 is from crosley who didn't really know what to do with confrontation, and wasn't trying to be funny, however, after me and kate started laughing, he ran away quickly.

so how is this refreshing? well, the entire room besides this one guy was against him and was against the war and against bush. everyone saw the ignorance in him. everyone at ihop loves me now. but it was refreshing to see both republicans and democrats both seeing the ridiculousness of this war and being against bush and the ignorance in the government and in this guy.

this guy embodied everything the world hates about america. i loathe ignorance.

all in all, i'll just say, i didn't study much of the arabic in front of me... and i went home at 5 am.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm... you do realize that this war has little to do with Bush and that it was actually started in the late 80's dont you??? It was put on hold for the 8 years that Clinton was President because he ignored previous contracts made by America an threats from the UN to a *certain* country which would not forfit WMDs. Everyone laughed in other countries for 8 years and the US did not do what they had sworn they would. Bush came into Presidency and realized that America needed to keep is word to not be made a mockery for others. It was the press that tied this to the twin towers. The search for those who were involved with the organization of 9/11 is a seperate and wholey unrelated investigation. But go ahead and bash the current President, because that's a really good way to make America look less ignorant.

1:30 AM, October 29, 2004  
Blogger bitterhoney said...

i do know how far back this conflict goes, which i think is much farther than you recognize, sir/madame anonymous. i took a class based solely on iraq and the reasons for the war and the consequences of... the final paper was simple. one question. write a paper and answer the question, "why did the US go into iraq?" not a simple question, but no matter how far you get into it and how many sources you read and use... you come up with the same answer, which is the same answer that everyone in the class came up with. we went into iraq for Oil and for no other reason. basically, there was absolutely no reason for the US to go into iraq. all the way back to the late 80s... we went in for oil then too.

as for making americans seem ignorant, i don't have to do anything, as the above blog shows, they show it themselves.

9:26 PM, October 30, 2004  

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