Saturday, July 09, 2005

"ridiculosity factor"

pre-note: NPR, i love it, really i do. but even those you love most dearly... you just gotta wonder about sometimes. and it was the report really, not the station.

ok... so visualize:
we're driving to our destination as a family, and of course, we're listening to NPR. as always when israeli-palestinian war news comes on, everyone gets quiet and listens.
"boy in fact pronounced dead by gunshot to chest... claims boy to have been teenager among peers and all throwing rocks at officer on duty... inciting officer to act...stones were indeed found at site of incident."


you're kidding right? if this is the evidence we are going on... we have bigger problems then unruly teens or men with guns...i'm not sure how much my readers know about israel, but i'll tell you this much... stones aren't hard to come by. its sorta like saying, there was sand at the site of a crime in the middle of the desert and claiming this to be deciding evidence. that is ridiculous. it's running through my head over and over. STONES WERE INDEED FOUND AT THE SITE OF THE INCIDENT. ludicrous. please someone explain to me the logic in using this as strong, decisive, and JUSTIFYING evidence.


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