throughout life, we are constantly formulating a plan-- an ever-changing blueprint to where we want to end up. We're looking for happiness and fulfillment. Even those brave people living day to day and not thinking more than two hours ahead have a plan. Its a vision of happiness. Who, what, and when we run into along our paths dictates how we will begin to approach the changing of our plan.
"The Secret" is a new phenomenon, on pay-per-view if you so please, that outlines the perfect way to approach your blueprint. The secret, the law of attraction, (sorry for spoiling it if you were just on your way to order it) is easy to buy into. Visualize what you want, and think about it, and it will happen--think negatively about something positive and the negative aspect will still happen according to this theory. maybe. maybe we're all attracting the energy of the Mercedes that we so desire, and it'll appear outside one day, or maybe, and more likely, thinking positive will make life a more positive experience and thinking negative makes us all bitter and on a downward spiral. If we obsess over any goal, i'm fairly sure we can make it happen, and if it doesn't, and you're following "the secret"'s plan of positive thoughts, then it wont matter if it doesn't come true, because you've already changed your blueprint because something else positive has happened and you're only seeing positive things anyways.
I'm a strong believe in astrology, i think as beings in a universe this big energy and the mystics of the sky have a creepy something to do with how things work. I believe in spirits. My explanation there is God in his creation of the big bang and universe was much more efficient than the regular person gives credit for. Why wouldn't he have made a system to create certain aspects of a person's soul born on a certain day, and allowed this to intermingle with the genetics and environment of every individual to make us each our own person. It makes sense to me, and it seems far more efficient in general.
We are in control of certain aspects, however, and if thinking about each thing you want until your head hurts is your way of working with it, then good for you, i hope that Mercedes comes, I'll try to go with the more efficient method of coming up with a plan can adapt to what i want--it's all about perspective. If you are looking for something, and are unsuccessful and increasingly embittered by the lack of appearance of that something, then when you look in the next place, your predisposed expectation of not finding it will most likely come true, not because its not there, but because you don't expect to see it there, and as a result, your eyes may trick you or overlook anything that IS there, clouded by the messy thoughts covering your eyes. I find this applies in our relationships, in our goals, in everything that we face in life.
the moral: don't underestimate the mind, don't underestimate the universe, and don't underestimate your surroundings. Your blueprint will fall to pieces if you expect that it is happening already.
"The Secret" is a new phenomenon, on pay-per-view if you so please, that outlines the perfect way to approach your blueprint. The secret, the law of attraction, (sorry for spoiling it if you were just on your way to order it) is easy to buy into. Visualize what you want, and think about it, and it will happen--think negatively about something positive and the negative aspect will still happen according to this theory. maybe. maybe we're all attracting the energy of the Mercedes that we so desire, and it'll appear outside one day, or maybe, and more likely, thinking positive will make life a more positive experience and thinking negative makes us all bitter and on a downward spiral. If we obsess over any goal, i'm fairly sure we can make it happen, and if it doesn't, and you're following "the secret"'s plan of positive thoughts, then it wont matter if it doesn't come true, because you've already changed your blueprint because something else positive has happened and you're only seeing positive things anyways.
I'm a strong believe in astrology, i think as beings in a universe this big energy and the mystics of the sky have a creepy something to do with how things work. I believe in spirits. My explanation there is God in his creation of the big bang and universe was much more efficient than the regular person gives credit for. Why wouldn't he have made a system to create certain aspects of a person's soul born on a certain day, and allowed this to intermingle with the genetics and environment of every individual to make us each our own person. It makes sense to me, and it seems far more efficient in general.
We are in control of certain aspects, however, and if thinking about each thing you want until your head hurts is your way of working with it, then good for you, i hope that Mercedes comes, I'll try to go with the more efficient method of coming up with a plan can adapt to what i want--it's all about perspective. If you are looking for something, and are unsuccessful and increasingly embittered by the lack of appearance of that something, then when you look in the next place, your predisposed expectation of not finding it will most likely come true, not because its not there, but because you don't expect to see it there, and as a result, your eyes may trick you or overlook anything that IS there, clouded by the messy thoughts covering your eyes. I find this applies in our relationships, in our goals, in everything that we face in life.
the moral: don't underestimate the mind, don't underestimate the universe, and don't underestimate your surroundings. Your blueprint will fall to pieces if you expect that it is happening already.
With my luck the Mercedes will appear , with someone else driving it.
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