Monday, October 23, 2006


we never realize the impact people have on us until they're gone... and sometimes, we find out the impression we left on them. its comforting to know that sometimes we aren't just another breeze drifting by and forgotten, but rather something that is remembered, something that made an impact...

its nice to know that someone thinks of you when they go somewhere or see something... often we think that once we're not in someones life consistently, we disappear from their minds... its nice to know that isn't the case.

i think leaving an impression on people is as important as any task that can be done. a lot of us are afraid that once we "expire" we are gone and forgotten and that is that... the impact we leave on people is as equivalent of leaving your mark on earth as any great task that can be done. i mean... when we have aspirations of doing something great to leave a mark on earth, we're just trying to impact as many peoples lives as possible, guaranteeing eternal life through impressions, right?


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