Tuesday, June 17, 2008


when i go through airports... i don't really have a problem... i look white white white and totally american... the rest of my family gets "randomly" checked all the time... well, leaving tel aviv on saturday night, that wasn't the case... i've really only been bothered once before and that was on the border from jordan to israel... this time... they were really trying to get to us... then i get back and i'm trying to apply to this medical school in tel aviv... well... the lady i talked to really didn't want me to apply from the beginning and i could tell... in the end i wasn't even able to apply... and i feel truly discriminated against... when things like this happen... it makes me SO much more nationalistic.  people are such assholes.  I decided to wear a hatta for the first time last night... i had bought it while in jerusalem, and i decided it was time.  honestly. it was empowering.  For the first time, even though people probably just thought i was going with the "Rachel ray fashion trend" i could put on the outside who i was on the inside.

As palestinians, we spend a lot of our lives trying to blend in... by being israeli, american, anything to take eyes off of palestinian and the possibly association with hamas and terrorism that people LOVE to attach to the nationality.  well, i AM palestinian.  My dad was actually born before Israel was a state, which by the way does NOT make him old at all--he was born in english-occupied palestine.  I never had to worry about blending in--i don't really stand out.  so... i'm doing my own little experiment with wearing my hatta around.  



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